Ezra Projects' mission is "a commitment to improve the quality of teaching and learning experienced at an individual level." Through its mentoring program, Reality:101, Ezra Project is committed to help identified at-risk 7th and 8th grade students improve their academic trajectories, preventing them from dropping out through identification and early intervention; focusing on their high  school transition.

Ezra Project, Inc., non profit organization, is committed to the service of youth in the Atlanta Public Schools (APS) system. Partnered with the Morehouse Education Association, an organization committed to the advocacy and advancement of education through promoting ethnic educators, ideally Ezra endeavors to create the diversity that higher education needs to embody the true spirit of the word.

Our support comes wholly from grants, fundraisers, public and private donations, and people like you. Through our vision, we are developing programs that address "many" areas of life that affect youth of all  races, economic backgrounds, and the like.

 We believe that while it is a parents' primary responsibility to raise and develop a child, we also realize that for any community to be a worthwhile place to live, it takes the whole of society, it takes "a village" to raise a child. Won't you become a financial partner? 

Ezra Executive Director: Stan Wardsworth

Morehouse Education Association founder: Carlton Collins

Blog Site:

Mail: PO Box 2851 Atlanta, GA 30301

PayPal Donation Email:

Ezra * Email: PH: 404-510-9090

Morehouse * PH: 513-884-3945

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