Reality dictates that "real" solution runs deeper than intermediary intervention that offers no sustainable hope. With that concept in mind, Ezra Project has adopted a new service paradigm theory: From Data and Decisions to Implementation and Results on Dropout Prevention.

 This paradigm is based on the theory that "core tasks" need to be implemented that involve the collaborative responsibility of "every stakeholder." Ezra Project, Inc. has positioned itself to be the conduit that facilitates the community transition.

 Ezra Project's objective is to equip the greatest number of youth in the Atlanta school district to make a successful transition from middle to high school, and from high school to college. Ezra Project's initiative is not only the schools it serves, but, by extension, a commitment to the community at large.


Ezra Project, Inc. intends to hold itself accountable for the achievement of a significant number of outcomes relating to the effectiveness of its program(s)and services helping youth successfully progress toward adulthood. Long term outcomes will signify how Ezra Project has actually changed the lives of those it serves.

"The objective is to create a safety net so tightly woven that children in the neighborhood just can't slip through." - Geoffery Canada, CEO, Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ)


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