Dear Friends,

I call you friends because you share with me an interest in social change. Myself, and an array of individuals - mostly volunteering their time and talent - have committed to making a change in our community, our state, and nation. 

Ezra Project has taken on an unique approach to an ongoing issue... education. Our approach is that students should be met at their point of learning and development.

Through extensive research, we have found that in the 21st century, employers are seeking potential employees with leadership qualities, equally as much as formal education. Ezra's Reality: 101 leadership mentoring program has that specific goal in mind.  

During the past ten years, the Atlanta public school system has made remarkable progress in transforming the high school curriculum into one that emphasizes those qualities that produce leaders. However, our organization's position is that earlier intervention can only produce more remarkable results.

In light of that theory, again, through research, we have concluded that one of the major contributors of under achievement, which underpins most other educational and social deficiencies, is lack of "general background knowledge"; children need the right knowledge of the world, and all that that encompasses, in order to read, write, and think in a manner that "welcomes" the value of education.

Together with a team of Ph.D educators, we are in the process of creating a leadership oriented curriculum suitable for the middle school level. The thought process is earlier intervention creates a continuum, making for familiarity and acceptance that maintains, encourages, and bolsters the advancement that is already in place.

I have shared all this with you from a two-point objective. One, is to give you some needed background to make an intelligent decision concerning our organization, and vision to make impact change. Additionally, to ask you to become a "financial partner" in this formidable task of educating students, preparing them with the tools today to be leaders tomorrow!

Through your financial partnership we can continue and expand our current work, while simultaneously continue developing a leadership core  curriculum that can make sustainable and immediate impact in our middle schools. Ezra Project, Inc is a 501(c) (3) organization - your donation is tax deductible. EIN 90-0412626  Won't you partner with us now?


Payable: Ezra Project, Inc.

Mail: PO Box 2851 Atlanta, GA 30301

PayPal Donation Email:  (We can email you a donation form if needed)



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