Ezra Project's  Five Strategies to Advance its mission for the three-year period from 2011 - 2013

 Strategy One

Enhance operational effectiveness and efficiency in core service delivery.


Internal Goals

Examine and evaluate organizational structure

  • Develop succession plan
  • Expand education/professional development program
  • Improve technological capabilities
Service Goals
  • Develop mentor program to replication
  • Maximize existing services
  • Publish leadership curriculum

Strategy Two

Extend our reach within Metro Atlanta community


Establish short-term and long-term action plans to execute expansion

  • Identify financial/sponsorship partners in expansion plan
  • Develop business plan for expansion
  • Establish partnership arrangements and support needs
  • Explore need for volunteer cultural orientation related to community demographics
  • Determine goals and measures in order to evaluate costs and benefits of expansion effort 

 Strategy Three

Maintain and improve our financial strength.


Maximize grants/foundation resources

  • Increase annual fundraising efforts
  • Evaluate the need for an annual signature event
  • Continue and improve fiduciary stewardship (i.e., administrative cost, portfolio management, etc.)
  • Share and market our operational model and leadership curriculum
  • Strengthen financial platform for program expansion effort

Strategy Four

Innovate the way we serve youth

  • Explore integrating Expeditionary Learning (EL) model into Reality: 101 leadership curriculum
  • Expand family outreach activities
  • Continue to create expeditionary leadership opportunities outside of  youths geographical  dimensions
  • Develop and implement family-based needs assessment

Strategy Five

Deepen and foster relationships with stakeholders who can help us achieve our vision


  • Engage the media for profile exposure
  • Continue dialogue on key educational issues with other groups
  • Clarify business partnership expectations

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